Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Home Sweet Home...

After 10 days in Florida, we're home!

As much as I love to travel and go away, I equally love coming home. It's a nice feeling.

We did have a great vacation though. As I mentioned, it was a big family party for my Uncle's 50th Birthday. So almost all of my Aunts, Uncles and Cousins were there. I can't remember the last time I spent a week with my cousins, especially now that we live around the country and all work full-time. So it was great to hang out and reconnect. My Uncle rented a condo at a beach club in Jupiter, Fl right on the ocean. It was beautiful! Most of us didn't actually stay there, but it became our meeting place because of the beach access, pools and grills for BBQing. We were lucky enough to stay with my Grandmother who rented a nice size condo so we could stay with her - this is what made it so easy for us to extend out vacation! One highlight was watching the sea turtles. We watched several nests of baby turtles hatch and make their first trek into the ocean. It was one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever had. I wasn't able to get a good picture, but my Aunt got one. As soon as I get it, I'll be sure to post! It was truly awesome!

I have to be honest though... I missed this little blog. As you may have noticed, I couldn't help myself from figuring out how to access my blog from my phone to update. I also sat for some time each morning on my little phone scanning my favorite blogs. What can I say. I'm hooked!

So below are some pictures I took on my iPhone last week - I haven't uploaded my camera yet, so these pictures will have to do!

But I'm also dying to know what you've been up to while I was away? I must also send a huge thanks to those who have left me comments - it's such a wonderful feeling to know that someone is reading!
Thank you.

Palm trees make me smile.

Some of my family hanging out in the evening.

The moon was amazing reflecting over the ocean.

My cousin Nicole watching the sunrise.

Nicole, Hubby & I got up at 6am to watch the sun come up.
It was worth it!

This was taken from the plane window on our way to Florida. The clouds looked so cool!

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