Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fall is Upon Us!

Hello Friends!
Can you believe that Fall is here already?!
It's starting to feel more and more like Fall everyday here in New York and I must admit that I am loving the crisp air. Don't get me wrong, I love Summer just as much as the next gal. But Fall is really something. The cozy sweaters, boots, changing leaves, sunshine mixed with a cool breeze, football Sundays... Sam Adams Octoberfest on tap, which makes for a happy Husband, even if the Patriots loose! It's just the best!
But my favorite part of fall is fashion! I've been minding my spending lately, but that doesn't mean a lady can't window shop online, right? Check out these fab-u-lous shoes on Piperlime! Don't you just love them?

Right now they've got all shoes 20% off too! Happy Shopping... er, looking! ;)

1 comment:

paula said...

ooh, they are taunting me!