Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Anniversary, Love

Dear Nick,

Thank you. Thank you for loving me so completely and honestly. Thank you for making me laugh so often and for reminding me to enjoy every moment of life. Thank you for showing me that some people are good all the way through. Thank you for cuddling me, rubbing my feet and always taking out the garbage so i don't have to. Thank you for sharing your warm, wonderful family with me and thank you for embracing my family as your own. Thank you for teasing me and then saying that you're just kidding. Thank you for always indulging my desire for an ice cream sundae, even when I really shouldn't have one! Thank you for letting me love you and take care of you. Thank you for letting me worry and fuss over you. Thank you for looking at me that way that you do, it makes me feel like I'm the only thing your eyes can see.

I am so lucky to have you as my friend. You make my life more fun, simply by taking the ride with me. Your ability to laugh in any situation has saved me so many times. I am so lucky to share my life with you. It makes mine so much better! I am so lucky to cuddle up under your arm each night and fall asleep to the sound of your beating heart - if your stomach isn't making louder noises!

Thank you for coming to New York with me and for sometimes putting my happiness before your own. You have made me understand what it means to make sacrifices, but more importantly what unconditional love and support are. Thank you for picking me up when I couldn't stand on my own feet and for loving me anyway. Thank you for loving me enough to move across the country twice. Thank you for watching Project Runway and Glee with me! And for being such a wonderful cheerleader when I'm doubting myself. Thank you for always seeing the good in my heart.

Thank you for marrying me 2 years ago. On that day I couldn't have imagined loving you any more than I already did. I see now how love grows with time. I love you more now that I ever thought I could. When I think about our love, my heart fills up.

Watching you become a Dad will be one of the greatest experiences I can imagine. I cannot wait to see you holding our perfect little baby. I am certain that you will be the best Dad the World has ever known. I am so lucky to call you my partner, my best friend and my Husband.

I love you.

Happy Anniversary!

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